Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Favorite Soup

So, as many of my friends know, I absolutely love chicken tortilla soup. If I had to have a favorite meal, it would be chicken tortilla soup. It would probably be what I'd ask for as a last meal. So, since I've been out on my own for this REU I've been doing my own cooking. For this weekend I bought the supplies to attempt a chicken tortilla soup. And OMG guys, it was super easy!! I bought most of the ingredients canned and/or processed (onions, I'm talking about you) but it turned out really well I feel.

1/2 can shredded chicken
    drain and toss in the taco seasoning* 
1/2 can whole corn
1/2 can black beans
    drain and combine with chicken
~1 cup medium salsa
dash chili powder*
dash garlic powder
dash onion flakes 
dash salt 
dash pepper
    combine to mix
    put in large pot and heat
1 can diced tomatoes/green chillies 
1 can chicken broth
~1/2 cup canola oil
    heat to boil and then let simmer
    add additional spices as needed
    serve with shredded cheese and tortilla chips on top

  • *I couldn't find a small sized container of taco type seasoning so I bought Mrs Dash, Fiesta Lime Seasoning Blend-- its pretty much just a taco seasoning with Lime flavor so I feel that it worked and added a nice lime element as well
  • In the future I would consider adding more broth and/or tomato paste to increase the amount of broth and to thicken it

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