Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Actually my first  post was the 12th of last September, so Sunday was my official "BLOGOVERSARY." It's been a whole year. I'm a sad though that I forgot to post on my actual "BLOGOVERSARY."  About a month ago I made sure to verify the date since I knew it was coming up and then I made an iCalendar event. I even set up an "alarm" so that my computer would email me the day before and remind me. Then Zoey crashed last week. Speaking of Zoey, she should now be the hands of the Apple Repair Center, where the Dr. House of Apple Geniuses will figure out whats wrong. The from the local Genius the fix seems to be replacing the logic board (also known as a motherboard). Hopefully, whatever the problem and whatever the fix, I will have my laptop back before I go back to Pomona next Wednesday.

On a seperate note I've been on the Internet less without my laptop. In my absence I've finished a novel for 1/12th of 1/20th of my 20 before 20-- You Belong to Me by Mary Higgins Clark.

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