Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In High School I basically took as many AP classes as I could. My first AP class was AP World History during my Sophomore year. Before we had our first taste of a real AP test Ari, Emma, Darla, and I (I think at least) got together for a "study group." We ended up getting very little worthwhile studying accomplished. Although I believe we all passed the test pretty handily. And of the college credits I've gotten from my AP classes this class counted for more GEs (General Education classes) than any other test I took.

The first of our gems was a passage from an AP test prep book, that we then wrote on a whiteboard.
Actual quote about the Maji Maji Rebellion's use of "magic water."
The second stemmed from the question of "what were the beliefs of Zoroastrianism?"

 My answer being, "I don't know. Chill and don't kill?"

"Chill and don't kill," ladies and gentlemen, words to live by. 


  1. Perhaps I inspired this post this morning?

    WHY DID WE WRITE IT ON THE WHITEBOARD!!! That was sooooo stupid. Dude, we also came up with an acronym for all the Chinese Dynasties (right?) that I was very angry I couldn't use.

    Also, I don't remember you, me, Ari, and Darla being really close Sophomore year.... interesting. But I guess by the end of the year we must have been.

  2. Maybe. :D Maybe I couldn't think of something and then I remembered your stroll down memory lane.

    Yeah, I had to think about who was there for awhile. I knew there was four of us and that you and me were definitely there. Darla I knew because that her writing on the "Maji Maji Rebellion." And I remeber Ari had gotten his prep book from Ross so it had writing all over it and the cover missing.

  3. Yeah, we were definitely all four there. Were you friends with Ari sophomore year? I remember hanging out with him, Eva, and Will during ABC day lunches, but did he hang out with us on DEF days. OMG TOO CONFUSING!!!!

    Whatever, we're friends now, that is all that matters.
