Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome Back, BEDA!

BEDA's back ya'll. Although Blog Everyday in April was moved to August (unofficially Blogust), our group did it in April and now we (me and the Admiral I believe) are back for more as per my 20 before 20.

So similar to last BEDA here are my rules that I'll be using:

  1. I will post at least one blog entry each day in August. Starting with this one.
  2. Each post must have three full sentences and be an actual post (I'm cutting down on the cop-out posts that I was guilty of in April). I am able to edit posts after posting.
  3. Each day's post must be between Midnight and 23:59 PDT of each day. 
Also, I've changed up my layout pretty drastically (including a shiny Blogust Banner) so let me know what you think. 

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