Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I feel like I'm running out of things to talk about this month and I'm not even halfway through Blogust. Such is life and blogging I suppose.

Well then, TV. Yes, TV-- television. As part of my 20 Before 20 I intend to finish the seasons of Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5 (since, I've never met Sci Fi I haven't liked). Anyway, this summer the shows I've been watching "live" are Psych, Warehouse 13, White Collar, and Burn Notice. As I write this I'm watching Psych, which led to this post. Mostly I feel because they have a "Spot the Pineapple" challenge in each episode where you watch for a hidden pineapple in the background of the episode. Which is a tricky way to get you to pay attention to the episode, which for me is interesting because I tend to do other things while watching TV (like Blogging, for example).

Also, I may have already missed the pineapple.

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