Raiding Company is the name of the small guild or the group of that I raid with on Sundays. We've been raiding together for 2 years now. Lately our attendance has been pretty meager and as I talked about last week we've had to pug more people for our weekly raids. Tonight we had slightly better attendance than usual. And in an exciting twist Stiix, one of our tanks and regular RC members, was back from an extended hiatus. Yay!
Often times in WoW there are players that you get to know through the game that live who knows where, that disappear from the game. While this is a normal occurrence for people to take a break from the game (I've done it before), the catch is that since you only know them in the context of the game that they seem to disappear off the face of the earth until they log back into the game. That sort of unreliability saddens me, because there's a handful of people that I only really know in the context of the game. SOme of these people I've added on Facebook and who I would be able to contact and then there are others who I know almost next to nothing about (here's looking at you Bach) but get along with smashingly in game.
Since we've been pugging more lately I've also been interacting more with people I'm not used to and some of them are neat people. From time to time there's also another female voice in vent. But largely most pugs make me happy with the people of Raiding Company. We're a competent bunch and we are actually able to converse and have fun while raiding each week.
This week the raid was made up of five Raiding Company members and 1 Raiding Company ally(non-guild regular). And despite of raid full of pugs, our DPS (the players that focus on damaging/downing enemies) was absolutfranfreakinsupertaculous.
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