Monday, August 2, 2010


I'm still deciding what I think of this template, so I may end up changing it again (and again until I'm happy with it). I like the new design elements, but I'm not sold on the colors. But, that's not what I'm here to talk about today.

Podcasting. Love it, hate it, or never heard of it seem to be the opinions of it I see from people. I personally love it-- for specific purposes. For example I can't do a lot of things while listening to people talk: homework, writing, talking, blogging, etc. However, I think some of the greatest and funniest things I've heard come from podcasting. For podcasting I also feel that pure audio is better than a video podcast because it allows you to do something else while listening and because its faster to download of iTunes or to stream online. In the past I've listened to all sorts of different podcasts, from generic geek to World of Warcraft to Ask a Ninja (I've even been a part of a robotics podcast for my high school team). However, recently I haven't been listening/watching any podcasts, because either the podcasters stop putitng the shows together or becaues I lost interest.

This summer I found a new podcast-- about D&D involving the creators of the PVP and Penny Arcade webcomics  that has brought back my love of Podcasting. This podcast is great for anyone interested in D&D in any fashion, whether you're trying to find out what its all about, or veteran players who want to learn about the changes that 4E brings. Also, while like many podcasts each part is pretty long it is absolutely hilarious. If D&D isn't your thing there are podcasts for virtually everything now.

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