Monday, August 9, 2010

The Bay

As I mentioned before, I spent the weekend up in the bay area. On Friday we drove up to Kelllie's aparment in Berkeley so that her martress could be delivered. The next day we took the BART to San Francisco. We started the morning at the SF Museum of Modern Art. After the museum we caught a bus across town and ate lunch at a neat little diner in Ghirardelli Square before going to the Exploratorium (a museum of science, art and pereption). For dinner we went to Fisherman's Wharf and ate and did a little touristy shopping. Including several bags of candy and a pair of Frida Kahlo socks. In our only stroke of bad luck that entire day the bus taking us from Fisherman's Wharf back to a BART station was so crowded that we had to wait another 20 minutes for another bus to come.

I should also note that Emma at Pink Rose did a FANTASTIC post detailing all our adventures (with pictures and everything (which I still have to get mine off my camera)).

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