Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to Schools

Most of the people that I know are on the semester system for school, which means that they start school much sooner than I do. For example my friends and brother at AVC start this week. Whereas (I love that word it's like combining words --which I love doing-- but it's an actual word already) I don't start classes until the end of September. And while this sounds horribly unfair I actually don't start my summer until about a month after everyone else so it evens out. 

It does make me want to go back and start school a little at least. I'm kinda excited about this quarter since I start O-chem. And better yet...

I don't have a math class!!!


  1. Glad you're excited about O-chem, although that might put you in a minority. I'm writing a series of posts called "From Gen Chem to Org Chem" that help students consolidate their knowledge before they start the class. You might want to check it out.

  2. Oo.. very interesting. I'm definitely going to check it out. :D
